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Son Of A Witch Crack

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The long-anticipated sequel to the million-copy bestselling novel Wicked Ten years after the publication of Wicked, beloved novelist Gregory Maguire returns at last to the land of Oz. There he introduces us to Liir, an adolescent boy last seen hiding in the shadows of the castle after Dorothy did in the Witch. Bruised, comatose, and left for dead in a gully, Liir is shattered in spirit as well as in form. But he is tended at the Cloister of Saint Glinda by the silent novice called Candle, who wills him back to life with her musical gifts. What dark force left Liir in this condition? Is he really Elphaba's son? He has her broom and her cape -- but what of her powers? Can he find his supposed half-sister, Nor, last seen in the forbidding prison, Southstairs? Can he fulfill the last wishes of a dying princess? In an Oz that, since the Wizard's departure, is under new and dangerous management, can Liir keep his head down long enough to grow up? For the countless fans who have been dazzled and entranced by Maguire's Oz, Son of a Witch is the rich reward they have awaited so long.
  1. Son Of A Witch Crackhead
  2. Son Of A Witch Cracked
  3. Son Of A Witch Cracks
  4. Son Of A Witch Candle
  5. Son Of A Witch Cracker

..Chapter 6..

The song that plays while the witches start to drink and smoke crack in front of the campfire is 'The Number of the Beast' by Iron Maiden. The witch may be a parody of Marvel Comic's Green Goblin and his Pumpkin Bombs. The evil witch is a homage to Margret Hamilton's Wicked Witch. All the stats, form and information about race horse - Son of a Witch available at RACING.COM – The first destination for Australian Horse Racing. Sabbat of the Witch, otherwise known as 'Son of a Witch' is a fairly typical school setting rom-com with magical elements. If you like romance comedy anime, chances are very little of this VN is going to seriously catch you by surprise, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. A New York Times bestseller like its predecessor, the remarkable Wicked, Son of a Witch follows the boy Liir on his dark odyssey across an ingeniously re-imagined and nearly unrecognizable Land of Oz—a journey that will take him deep into the bowels of the Emerald City, lately abandoned by the Wizard, and into the jaws of dragons. And there's still a few nights left of Jack and Crack Witch Week. Garrison: Everybody follow me! I've got tons of Jack, tons of crack, and a jet! the other witches cheer and follow him to the jet The Men: Party's back on! We did it, guys! Randy looks back at Sharon Don't wait up, Sharon! I'm gonna party with El Presidente.

Glatteis Schnee who has just used her mastery over the Schnee family Semblance to teleport right into the office of Ozpin. Her smug look mildly gets on his nerves but The old headmaster keeps his cool and his cane firmly in hand. Both of there intense auras clashing causes Ozpin's coffee mug and windows to crack. Both Ozpin give off an intense glow from there auras. White spark fill the air around Glatteis and Ozpin's glowing green. The air is heavy with the weight of the conflicting powers.

:Ozpin: Lady Schnee how do you do? Is there anything I can do for 'The Atlesian Dragon' ? :Glatteis: Oh I'm just here to see my daughters. Can you be a dear point me into the right direction to Weiss's dorm? :Ozpin: Daughters? Winter is not here madam? :Glatteis: I've just been informed of the possible existents of another child of mine created by that blasted Apex initiative! Yesterday my little snowflake let it slip about someone else running around with MY family's hereditary semblance! Ironbitch confirmed she is a girl made from DNA stolen from yours truly! So now I'm looking for a girl around 18 or 19 years of age, possibly with white hair and blue eyes. :Ozpin: I'll help you BUT I have a few conditions. 1. no picking fights with the staff OR students! 2. You break it you bought it! :Glatteis: Its cute you think you can order me around but I accept your terms non the less!

The elevator opens with Glynda Goodwitch stepping out Riding crop in hand, pointed at Glatteis. The Schnee matriarch rolls her eyes at her. A glyph knocks Glynda's weapon out of her hand faster then she can use it. Then Glatteis cranks up her aura even further making Glynda drop to her knees as the air just got heavier.

:Glatteis: Glynda darling you look ravishing as always! Oh that's right your son is he ok? :Glynda: No thanks to your daughter and her team! :Glatteis: I'm truly sorry about all that! :Ozpin: Glynda why are you here I gave you time off? :Glynda: James called me saying something about Glatteis shooting his ear off. :Glatteis: Good times had by all! Did he also tell you about the fact I know about the girl you assholes stuffed in the fridge! [Ozpin and Glynda go wide eyed] Hay Glynda does your son know by the way? :Glynda: No and I would vary much like to that way! :Glatteis: Can't be a useful pawn if he knows to much right?! :Glynda: It is nothing like that! :Glatteis: But you take no issue in using anyone else! You two really have the audacity to call yourselves teachers! [Laughing] but honestly Winter, Weiss and my currently unknown 3rd daughter STAYS off limits OR I'll SKULL FUCK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! :Glynda: How..[beat].. Nevermind I don't want to know! :Ozpin: I also hate to nitpick but she would chronologically be your 2nd. :Glatteis: Can I at least get her name for now. :Ozpin: Before I do, what do you intend to do with this girl? :Glatteis: If she is willing become a member of my family! She was created in a hell on Remnent! She deserves to know she has a mother! I also wish to atone for not being there for her and not knowing she even existed!

Humbled by her rather out of character moment stands up the tell her!

:Ozpin: Her name is Snowbird Frost and as fate would have it is on the same team as Glynda's son Jason. :Glynda&Glatteis: What!?

[Years ago-Apex huntsman facility]

#33 now 10 years old bandaged up after another brutal test battle with another Apex #29 and barely won with her life. 29 an older apex was like a big brother before being forced to fight to the death by the director. A sadistic Atlas scientist that dreams of creating in his own words 'The ultimate Huntsman' by any means necessary! Advanced education, elite combat and survival training given to them by the most ruthless huntsman money can buy. After the cruel battle 29 still survived but in critical condition his fate is unknown to her. The little white haired blue eyed girl just lays there with a blank expression looking at the two way mirror. Bags under her eyes evidence of her loss of sleep and her crying.

:33: Please tell me your happy with me! Why are we even made? [explosion and redlights flash] :Female voice over intercom: Security breach in cell block A-30! :Director: All soldiers to battle stations! Not a single one gets out alive! :33: A-30?

#33's heavy steel door is melted through with black fire. #34 walks in eyes glowing, her hair and tail aflame in the darkness. 34's eyes the typical yellow they turn when her semblance 'Predator' is active only the white in her eyes is now black.

:34: 33 get up were making a break for it! :33: BEHIND YOU!

An Atlas soldier hits 34 with the butt of his gun. The little fox girl is not fazed at all as the black flames protects her and slowly crawls up the soldiers arm making him panic.

:34: This fire does not burn your body but your vary soul! :Soldier: please I'm just following orders make it stop!

33 grabs her blanket to smother the black flames but is a wasted effort. The dark fire doesn't even burn the piece of cloth or work at saveing the helpless soldier.

:33: Put him out please! :34: WHAT!? 33 they are monsters that cause us nothing but pain! This is survival of the fittest 33! You kill them or they kill you! :33: But we are not monsters so why act like one!? :34: Even after what they made you do to 29!? [33 slaps 34 off her feet] :34: Fine but don't say I didn't warn you!

The flames stop burning the the soldier that 33 took pity on. Like 34 said his body is unharmed but unresponsive, likely from agony overwhelming him. #33 relived that the men is still breathing picks him up and places him on her bed. 33 and 34 then run out of the room continuing the escape. All around them other Apex subjects are fighting and killing Atlesian guardsman. Bodies from both sides are starting to pile up. The soldiers with there guns are on even footing with the Apex and there greater numbers.

:33: So do we even have a plan? :34: Kill everyone and get out! :33: That's a goal and not a vary good one! :34: Well if your so smart your think one up! :33: First we need to get these trackers out of our necks! Then pay the Director a visit and override the lockdown! :34: [grin] You've given this a lot of thought. :33: Haven't we all? Lets get some weapons, we're going to need them! [34 sports a sadistic grin] :34: The Director, I can't wait to watch him burn! [Eyes flash yellow]

[Director's office]

The director of the Apex Huntsman Initiative Dr. Arthur Watts looks down at the carnage with a glass of chardonnay and a smug look. Someone standing in the shadows catches his attention.

:Watts: Tyrian welcome, did our Mistress send you? :Tyrian: Our Queen demands [maniacal laughter] that I escort you back to her magnificence! :Watts: Her Highness will not be happy about this I'm calling it now! :Tyrian: Oh fret not Doctor She was absolutely pleased with your peformance! 'All according to plan' as she so eloquently stated! [Watts shows visable shock] :Watts: If this was her plan then far be it for me to complain. I will admit this view right now is marvelous! [Tyrian laughs hysterically at all the screaming]

Doctor Watts pushes a button before leaving with Tyrian.

[Apex facility-Medical wing]

33 and 34 look around the medical wing for something to remove the tracking devises out of there necks. Atlas goons unfortunately had been waiting for them in the patient rooms.

:33: 34 if you want to cut loose now would be a good time!

Black energy forms a dome around the two as the soldiers shoot them.

:34: And you called my semblance 'monstrous'! :33: It is, but its useful! Just please practice restraint! :Atlas: Command we have Subjects 33/34! Awaiting orders! :34: [laugh] oh my that is adorable! Awaken my brood! Today you will rise! :33: NO!

[Goodwitch house-Jasons room-Present day]

Snowbird is the first to wake up screaming from a nightmare. Her outburst knocked a nude Jason of the bed. After Glynda left and Troya went to bed in the upstairs guest room, the two love birds could not jump into bed fast enough!

:Snowbird: NO! DON'T! STOP 34! :Jason: 34? Babe you just had a bad dream. :Snowbird: [trembling] Your right .. just a dream .. just a dream! :Jason: You want to talk about it Frosty? :Snowbird: Don't need to Just a dream! [nervous laughter]

Troya burst into the room with her weapons a pair of chain whips, wearing pink pajamas with bunnies on them.

:Troya: What the fucks going on, I heard screaming! [see's Jason naked and a naked under the covers Snowbird] oh my god! [turns around blushing] Jason put the goods away, I don't play for that team remember! :Jason: I can explain!

[Beacon academy-Dorm house]

Weiss after her early breakfast with Neptune returns back to her dorm room to grab a book she forgot to turn in. She slowly cracks the door open to not wake her team.

:Weiss: Is anyone up? [Teammates laughing there collective asses off] :Glatteis: I know right! :Ruby: Weiss was so cute as a baby! :Glatteis: That one is actually Winter but your not wrong Miss Rose she is cute. :Yang: I honestly thought you were Weiss's sister. :Glatteis: Strong aura does the body good! The more control over it the slower you age my dear! Don't they teach anything in this school?

Weiss is godsmacked to see her mother showing her friends her baby pictures.

:Glatteis: Weiss honey your looking well. You have a wonderful team here with you! :Yang: Weiss why didn't you tell me your mom was in town! :Weiss: Because she wasn't! Mother how did you get here so fast? You called from home only a few hours ago.


Weiss jumps when someone pinches her butt. She angrily turns around to see her moms hand through a glyph doing a pinching gesture then vanishing.

:Glatteis: ha! Never gets old! oh thats right, I brought gifts for each of you. :Yang: Weiss your mom is awesome! :Blake: I have to agree she was not what I expected. :Glatteis: Wow Weiss darling what did you tell them about me? :Ruby: Nothing she never said anything about you before. :Yang: Honestly I was under the impression Weiss didn't have a mom. :Ruby: Yang not cool! :Glatteis: I'm sure you had your reasons Snowflake. Me and your father did not make things easy for you at home and I'm sorry Weiss. I was harsh on you and Winter because I was trying to prepare you two for the BRUTAL reality of being huntresses. :Weiss: Your not mad at me? :Glatteis: Greatly disappointed in you about the 'Highway Incident' but I'm also vary proud of you. :Weiss: Really?! [Glatteis hugs Weiss] :Glatteis: You've become a fine young woman and you have a good team behind behind you. :Yang: We'll give you guys some alone time. :Blake: It's been a pleasure Miss Schnee. :Ruby: Thank you again for the gifts! :Glatteis: It was my pleasure Ruby! Pleasing to see Taiyang raised his girls well. :Yang: Wait you know Dad? :Glatteis: Yes good man, I even knew your mothers. Summer was a lot like you Ruby, She would be so proud of you! :Yang: And my mom? :Glatteis: Oh yes Raven I still want to skin that bitch alive .. no offence dear but count yourself lucky you take more after your father! :Yang: I never met her is she really that bad?! :Glatteis: Last time I saw her she slit my throat. Good thing my aura is took most of it or I would have died. [Shows her the scar around her neck] I believe revenge is a sucker's game so I'm not going to actively hunt her down. :Yang: I'm sorry! :Glatteis: That was her not you my dear. Don't apologize on other peoples behalf. Now I have something vary important to talk about with Weiss may we have some privacy?

Yang nods in agreement and the three girls leave the room. Weiss's mind is going a mile a minute; why is her mother here?

:Weiss: Oh no you actually killed father this time didn't you? [Glatteis chuckles sadistically] :Glatteis: Unfortunately he still lives, sorry to disappoint you dear! No I'm here because of what you said about a 'Non-Schnee' with our Semblance running around. I want to talk to you before I meet her personally. :Weiss: Meet who? What are you not telling me, mother? :Glatteis: I'll give you the short version; 19 Years ago I had eggs in storage at a fertility clinic. the vary ones used to bring you and your brother into this world. :Weiss: And not Winter? :Glatteis: [takes a swig out of her flask] No Winter is actually your half-sister from a former lover I had before I was forced to marry your father. I refused to have sex with 'Jock-itch' and he only had a hard on for your Grandfather's money anyway.. off topic moving on. I just found out The Atlas military stole some of it for a failed super soldier program. :Weiss: This is a lot to take in! :Glatteis: Tell me about it! I put blood, sweat and tears into my military service some of which wasn't even my own! [she looks angry] Yet they take something as personal as my reproductive DNA and grew a child with it in a artificial womb!

Sports illustrated template cover page. Weiss is completely godsmacked by the cluster bombs her mother just dropped on her. Winter having father and her having a 'super soldier' older sibling.

Son Of A Witch Crackhead

:Weiss: I need to set down! [sets down in desk chair behind her] Does Winter know her parentage? :Glatteis: She knows Jacques is her step-dad but I've never told her who her real father is. But that my little Snowflake is a story for another and more Winter's business then yours. Glynda is going to introduce me Snowbird and .. :Weiss: Snowbird? I thank Madam Goodwitches son called his friend that .. Oh my god I am a moron! I thought she looked like a vary tall Winter! :Glatteis: Do you want to come along?

Glynda opens the door along with Team RWBY alongside her. The deputy headmistress and the Schnee matriarch lock eyes like the two want nothing better then to break the others legs. Cold ice blue eyes glaring down luminous green filled with unease.

:Glynda: [in a cold, matter-of-fact tone] I just want you to know that Miss Frost is like a daughter to me and if you do anything to upset her or my son I'll start pruning the Schnee family tree to the vary roots! :Glatteis: Glad to see she is in great hands but you can relax Glynda it's not like I'll 'stuff her in my freezer' like certain other people I know! [Glynda starts grinding her teeth] I may be a ruthless psychopath but I'll always look after my own!

[Goodwitch house]

Jason now fully clothed eating waffles awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Troya before she stands and makes him look at her.


Weiss jumps when someone pinches her butt. She angrily turns around to see her moms hand through a glyph doing a pinching gesture then vanishing.

:Glatteis: ha! Never gets old! oh thats right, I brought gifts for each of you. :Yang: Weiss your mom is awesome! :Blake: I have to agree she was not what I expected. :Glatteis: Wow Weiss darling what did you tell them about me? :Ruby: Nothing she never said anything about you before. :Yang: Honestly I was under the impression Weiss didn't have a mom. :Ruby: Yang not cool! :Glatteis: I'm sure you had your reasons Snowflake. Me and your father did not make things easy for you at home and I'm sorry Weiss. I was harsh on you and Winter because I was trying to prepare you two for the BRUTAL reality of being huntresses. :Weiss: Your not mad at me? :Glatteis: Greatly disappointed in you about the 'Highway Incident' but I'm also vary proud of you. :Weiss: Really?! [Glatteis hugs Weiss] :Glatteis: You've become a fine young woman and you have a good team behind behind you. :Yang: We'll give you guys some alone time. :Blake: It's been a pleasure Miss Schnee. :Ruby: Thank you again for the gifts! :Glatteis: It was my pleasure Ruby! Pleasing to see Taiyang raised his girls well. :Yang: Wait you know Dad? :Glatteis: Yes good man, I even knew your mothers. Summer was a lot like you Ruby, She would be so proud of you! :Yang: And my mom? :Glatteis: Oh yes Raven I still want to skin that bitch alive .. no offence dear but count yourself lucky you take more after your father! :Yang: I never met her is she really that bad?! :Glatteis: Last time I saw her she slit my throat. Good thing my aura is took most of it or I would have died. [Shows her the scar around her neck] I believe revenge is a sucker's game so I'm not going to actively hunt her down. :Yang: I'm sorry! :Glatteis: That was her not you my dear. Don't apologize on other peoples behalf. Now I have something vary important to talk about with Weiss may we have some privacy?

Yang nods in agreement and the three girls leave the room. Weiss's mind is going a mile a minute; why is her mother here?

:Weiss: Oh no you actually killed father this time didn't you? [Glatteis chuckles sadistically] :Glatteis: Unfortunately he still lives, sorry to disappoint you dear! No I'm here because of what you said about a 'Non-Schnee' with our Semblance running around. I want to talk to you before I meet her personally. :Weiss: Meet who? What are you not telling me, mother? :Glatteis: I'll give you the short version; 19 Years ago I had eggs in storage at a fertility clinic. the vary ones used to bring you and your brother into this world. :Weiss: And not Winter? :Glatteis: [takes a swig out of her flask] No Winter is actually your half-sister from a former lover I had before I was forced to marry your father. I refused to have sex with 'Jock-itch' and he only had a hard on for your Grandfather's money anyway.. off topic moving on. I just found out The Atlas military stole some of it for a failed super soldier program. :Weiss: This is a lot to take in! :Glatteis: Tell me about it! I put blood, sweat and tears into my military service some of which wasn't even my own! [she looks angry] Yet they take something as personal as my reproductive DNA and grew a child with it in a artificial womb!

Sports illustrated template cover page. Weiss is completely godsmacked by the cluster bombs her mother just dropped on her. Winter having father and her having a 'super soldier' older sibling.

Son Of A Witch Crackhead

:Weiss: I need to set down! [sets down in desk chair behind her] Does Winter know her parentage? :Glatteis: She knows Jacques is her step-dad but I've never told her who her real father is. But that my little Snowflake is a story for another and more Winter's business then yours. Glynda is going to introduce me Snowbird and .. :Weiss: Snowbird? I thank Madam Goodwitches son called his friend that .. Oh my god I am a moron! I thought she looked like a vary tall Winter! :Glatteis: Do you want to come along?

Glynda opens the door along with Team RWBY alongside her. The deputy headmistress and the Schnee matriarch lock eyes like the two want nothing better then to break the others legs. Cold ice blue eyes glaring down luminous green filled with unease.

:Glynda: [in a cold, matter-of-fact tone] I just want you to know that Miss Frost is like a daughter to me and if you do anything to upset her or my son I'll start pruning the Schnee family tree to the vary roots! :Glatteis: Glad to see she is in great hands but you can relax Glynda it's not like I'll 'stuff her in my freezer' like certain other people I know! [Glynda starts grinding her teeth] I may be a ruthless psychopath but I'll always look after my own!

[Goodwitch house]

Jason now fully clothed eating waffles awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Troya before she stands and makes him look at her.

:Troya: Jason there is nothing to be embarrassed about! You walked in on me a few time at our dorm in Beacon remember. :Jason: You ever get that mole on your ass looked at? :Snowbird: Your not surprised about us sleeping together? :Troya: I'm crazy not stupid. You think I didn't notice the way you two look at each other? I just waited for you guys to tell me .. and Juile. :Jason: [looking down at his plate] I'm sure she would be thrilled about us being together! :Snowbird: We wanted to surprise you two on Jason's birthday but everything .. :Troya: You felt that with all that happened it would not be a good time; it's ok I understand. Actually I'm happy for you two! [Hands Jason the wedding ring] Juile always told me how much you two would be cute together. :Jason: Troya thank you but I can't take your engagement ring! [Troya hugs him] :Troya: I think this is what she would want. She loved you like a brother after all. [Jason's scroll rings]

Jason's scroll which survived the car crash is picked up by Snowbird.

:Snowbird: Hello? :Glynda: Snowbird? :Snowbird: Jason it's your mom. :Glynda: Actually Frosty this concerns you. :Snowbird: This must be BIG if your being informal! :Glynda: We know about your past. [Snowbird drops her glass of OJ] :Snowbird:! :Glynda: Your genetic mother and sister are coming to meet you, I'm so vary sorry! :Snowbird: I want nothing to do with them and if you force me to meet them I will never forgive you! :Glynda: I'm under headmaster Ozpin's orders! I don't want to do this to you! :Snowbird: I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE FUCKING LOOKED UP TO YOU ALL THESE YEARS! [Snowbird hangs up and runs away in tears] :Jason: Frosty come back!

Son Of A Witch Cracked

Jason chaises after her alongside Troya. Camtasia for mac text drop shadow generator.

[Beacon Academy-Faculty Parking lot]

Glynda just sets there listening to the dial tone in her car. Glatteis in a rare moment of empathy pats her on the back.

:Glynda: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!? [Weiss flinches] :Glatteis: I'm sorry I will not force the issue any further. I just wished to make sure she is taken care of and if you care about her this much she has good people backing her. If I meet her it should be on her terms not mine. :Glynda: It's already too late she'll hate me because of you! :Weiss: You told her you have no choice. She may be upset with you now but she'll get over it. :Glynda: I don't need any lip from a girl who helped make my son an amputee and ruined a major operation with heavy casualties thrown in for good measure! You think your a huntress Miss Schnee but your just an unapologetic murderer like your mother! :Glatteis: Goodwitch you have every right to be pissed but if you keep talking to my daughter like that heads will roll!

Glatteis casually starts to walk away when her flask is empty.

:Glynda: Where are you going?! :Glatteis: If she does not want to see me I'll just hit the bar. I'm still liking being out of the gilded cage I call home; so I might stay awhile.

Son Of A Witch Cracks

[The Crow bar]

Son Of A Witch Candle

Snowbird who took off running after Goodwitch's call just set on a bar stool with a soda. Her past finale caught up with her. Glatteis takes a seat right next to her. Snowbird instantly notices the physical similarities to herself.

Son Of A Witch Cracker

:Glatteis: Rum leave the bottle! :Bartender: Glatteis you haven't walked in here in years! :Glatteis: I tend to drank at home. :Bartender: You ever settle down with that guy I forgot his name. :Glatteis: Afraid not I'm unhappily married to some clown. :Bartender: A shame you really looked like you were really in love with him! :Glatteis: I was young, in love .. and vary stupid. I do have a daughter because of that stupidity and She turned into an incredible young woman. 25 and already an Atlas officer and with her own strength too! :Bartender: Sounds a lot like you back in the day. :Glatteis: I was a lot younger when I made officer. I remember the nicknames I had back then 'Glatteis the Evil' and 'The Atlesian Dragon' . [Snowbird quietly gets up and slowly walks away] You know Glynda cares about you a lot kid! [Snowbird jumps in shock] You have every right to hate me even after you hear my side of the story; but she actually said your like a fucking daughter to her! :Snowbird: So you're her, my biological mother. So what you going to act like my mother now!? :Glatteis: [filling up glass] Your angry and confused; believe me the feelings mutual kid. Had I known about you I would have happily slaughtered everyone involved with that project. :Snowbird: and what? Raise me as your own!? You know what meet me in the ally behind the bar and lets settle this bullshit! :Glatteis: How about the forever fall forest tomorrow. I would rather not fight you at all but if that's what you want so be it! Let's duke it out in a place where we don't have to worry about property damage. :Jason: Snowbird!?

Jason and Troya walk into the bar relived to have found her.

:Jason: Scroll-Finder it is a life saver! :Snowbird: Why did you guys come after me? [Troya punches Snowbird with an enraged/worried look on her face] :Troya: DON'T YOU FUCKING SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN! :Jason: What got into you anyway? :Snowbird: My mother is in town. :Troya: Lucky you and I'm still looking for my own. :Jason: You'll find her Troya I just know it. [to Glatteis] You must be snowbird's long lost mom! I have to say you look more like an older sister then her mom. :Glatteis: I get that a lot.

Weiss and Team RWBY walk in but freeze when they see Troya baring her fangs. Her eyes are in 'attack mode' as her hair turns black!

:Weiss: I see you two met anyway? :Snowbird: Oh my fucking god YOUR my sister!? I'm starting to think stopping Troya from killing you four was a mistake! :Troya: I can fix that! :Yang: [red eyed] Touch my sister again and I'll rip your tail off and make you eat it! :Troya: Murderers! :Jason: Nobody is killing anyone! :Ruby: He's right Yang lets not make things worse! :Yang: fine. :Jason: Don't misunderstand this Ruby I'm only stopping Troya from becoming a murderer! Personally I want you four dead just as badly as her! Do you have any idea what it was like to tell Juile's Mom and Dad about her death! You don't even care do you?! :Ruby: I.I. :Jason: Actions have consequence Little girl grow the fuck up! [Ruby starts to tear up] :Glatteis: He's right you know; if Weiss wasn't on your team you four would already be blacklisted! :Yang: Lay off her we .. :Jason: [visibly angry and in tears] No! I lost my best friend and my arm because of the stunt you pulled! and countless others lost even more! :Yang: [teary eyed] You think we don't know!? [looks down at her trembling hands] The blood on my hands I..I can't wash it away! The only thing I don't care about is how long I'll have to work to atone![Jason pinches the bridge of his nose] :Jason: Look just stay the hell away from us! I don't want to see any of you before the funeral! If I see one hair on your fucking heads before then; I'll let Troya do whatever sick and twisted thing she wants to you!

As Team JST walk away Glatteis notices a familiar Air ship flying by. One with long banners on the tail.

:Glatteis: Oh hello Winter, Ironbitch order you to watch me?

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